Adams Promise Scholarship
*Free Tuition and Fees
Renewable for four years as long as the student maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress (2.0. GPA) and is enrolled full time.
Eligibility includes:
- Dependent student whose family adjusted gross income is $70K or less
- Enrolled full-time at Adams State, on campus
- First-time freshman or transfer student
- Resident of Colorado counties, south of Denver
Residents of these counties are eligible for the Adams Promise:
Alamosa | Elbert | Montrose |
Archuleta | Fremont | Otero |
Baca | Gunnison | Ouray |
Bent | Hinsdale | La Plata |
Chaffee | Huerfano | Park |
Cheyenne | Kiowa | Pitkin |
Conejos | Kit Carson | Prowers |
Crowley | Lake | Pueblo |
Costilla | Las Animas | Rio Grande |
Custer | La Plata | Saguache |
Delta | Lincoln | San Juan |
Dolores | Mesa | San Miguel |
Douglas | Mineral | Teller |
El Paso | Montezuma |
* The Adams Promise Scholarship covers tuition and mandatory campus-wide fees (after all federal and state funds are applied)
Mandatory fees include:
- Technology Fee
- Capital Fee
- College Service Fee
- Security/Parking Fee
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